This guide explains how to connect your ChannelShipper account to your Bluepark store. This will allow you to import, manage, and generate postage labels for your Bluepark orders.
Within ChannelShipper, click the 'Settings' link. The 'Integrations page will open. In the 'Integrations' section, click the 'Go' button.
Next, your 'Integrations' page will open. Click the 'Add new integration' button.
A new pop window will appear asking you to choose the marketplace or store that you would like to connect to. Click ‘Bluepark’.
In the new pop-up window, you will be presented with a series of fields that need to be filled in before your integration can be created:
Trading name: Select your trading name from the list.
Integration name: This information will be filled automatically, once you have chosen your trading name
API username, API key, API access URL: Follow the link in red to find this information from your Bluepark admin panel (See below).
Mark orders as despatched on channel: select this option if you wish for your orders to be automatically marked as despatched in Bluepark once they are marked as despatched in ChannelShipper.
Import Product Variant: Check if you want us to import any product variant information and display this on your orders as Order tags.
Next, you will need to log in to your Bluepark store admin panel in a separate tab or window. Please do not close down the tab or window running ChannelShipper.
From your admin user panel, click 'Admin user account' in the bottom left corner of the screen:
Your admin user panel will open. If you have more than one admin user, you may need to select the primary user first.
Scroll part way down the page until you see the 'Admin Panel Access and Authorisation' section.
Check the 'Enable API access' checkbox and then click the blue save icon to save this setting change.
The page will reload, and your API username, API key, and API access URL will become visible.
Copy and paste this information back into the relevant fields in ChannelShipper, which should still be open in another window or tab.
When you are ready, click 'Save', or 'Save and connect'.
You will be redirected back to your 'Integrations' page within ChannelShipper, where your completed integration will be ready to view.
The chain link icon will turn green to show your account has been connected successfully.
Can I disconnect from Bluepark?
You're free to disconnect from Bluepark at any time via ChannelShipper.
In the 'Integrations' section under the 'Settings' link, click on 'Go'. Click anywhere within the Bluepark row to expand the data.
To disconnect the channel, simply click the 'Delete' button. Once you have disconnected, you will no longer be able to import and process any orders from the store.
If you need to reconnect the store at a later date, simply repeat the connection process.
Store order status and import frequency
ChannelShipper is only able to import Bluepark orders that are in 'Pending' status, and no older than 7 days old.
Eligible orders will import into your ChannelShipper account approximately every 15-30 minutes. We will attempt to update the status of orders in your Bluepark store approximately every 30 minutes.
Please note that we do not currently accept custom order statuses.