Almost all commonly encountered problems with ChannelShipper Desktop are explained in this guide. Please carefully read the section that best describes the problem you have encountered.
The current version of ChannelShipper Desktop is 1.1.3. If you have encountered an issue and you are running an older version of the app, please fully close and restart the app and it will automatically update to the newest version.
1. What do I do if my files are not importing successfully?
2. None of my labels are printing
3. One or more of my workstations is not producing labels
4. I am encountering issues while using a network drive
5. Can I create a second ChannelShipper Desktop integration?
6. My results file is empty
7. I'm generating duplicate labels
8. My labels are coming out of the wrong printer
9. My application is displaying a “No internet connection” error.
10. Can ChannelShipper Desktop produce CN22/CN23 documents?
11. ChannelShipper Desktop is not communicating with workstations across my network.
12. My workstation folders contain other workstation folders
13. The app is displaying an 'Unable to connect to server' error
14. I need to whitelist your IPs for my security settings
1. What do I do if my files are not importing successfully?
If your file is not importing successfully, please check the following:
1. Is your internet connection stable?
2. Have you mapped the columns in your spreadsheets first via a spreadsheet order import?
3. Have you added any new columns to your spreadsheet recently? If so you will need to map your spreadsheet again.
4. Does the data in your spreadsheet match ChannelShipper's order import field specifications?
5. Is your 'Watch' folder on a network drive or location? If so, consider enabling 'Polling mode' in your ChannelShipper Desktop advanced settings. Please be aware that polling mode can cause imports to be duplicated in some scenarios.
6. If one or more of your files is 'stuck' and has not imported, please try closing the app down and then restarting. This action will also force any automatic updates that may be due.
7. By going to ChannelShipper within a web browser, and navigating to Orders > Import > Order import history, you can see whether or not your most recent imports have been successful or not.
We do not recommend you delete and recreate your ChannelShipper Desktop integration at this stage as this can potentially cause other issues.
2. None of my labels are printing.
ChannelShipper Desktop only handles the importing of files. The printing of labels is done by either manually printing your labels from within Click & Drop itself, or are produced automatically via our printing app, Royal Mail Print Assist.
1. Check that your files are importing correctly. You can check this by going to ChannelShipper within a web browser, and navigating to Orders > Import > Order import history, or by checking if there are any .PDF files in your 'Results' folders. If you have multiple workstations set up, you can expect to see multiple 'Results' folders.
2. If you use Royal Mail Print Assist, please see these troubleshooting steps: Troubleshooting Royal Mail Print Assist.
3. If you are using any 3rd party order management software to print your labels instead of Royal Mail Print Assist, please contact them first.
4. Check the number of rows in your imported file. ChannelShipper is only able to automatically generate labels for spreadsheets with 50 rows or less (51 including a header).
Please note: If your file is importing but a label is not being generated, or if it is printing to the wrong printer, please check that your file is being placed in the correct directory.
If you do not have multiple workstations set up, please check your files are being placed in the selected 'Watch' folder.
If you do have multiple workstations set up, please check your files are being placed in the correct workstation 'Watch' folder. Files placed directly in the watch folder will print using the default workstation printer, or if no default workstation is selected, labels will not print at all.
3. One or more of my workstations is not producing labels
If one or more of your workstations is not producing labels when you have dropped a file into it, please check the following:
1. You have configured the workstation in your ChannelShipper Desktop integration.
2. Your Enable automatic printing setting is switched on.
3. You are logged into the ChannelShipper Desktop application on the workstation (or server location the workstation connects to).
4. Your printer is not switched off or is not producing errors.
5. You have installed ChannelShipper Desktop and Royal Mail Print Assist on each of your workstations (or server location the workstation connects to).
6. Check that the installed applications are up to date. You can force an automatic update by closing and then restarting the application.
7. Check that each of your installed applications has the same Watch folder selected. Please do not select an individual workstation folder as your Watch folder.
8. Check the number of rows in your imported file. ChannelShipper is only able to automatically generate labels for spreadsheets with 50 rows or less (51 including a header). If you are importing a file via ChannelShipper Desktop that has more than 50 rows, you will need to split your file down into multiple smaller spreadsheets, or print the remaining labels manually.
Please note: If your file is importing but a label is not being generated, or if it is printing to the wrong printer, please check that your file is being placed in the correct directory.
If you do not have multiple workstations set up, please check your files are being placed in the selected 'Watch' folder.
If you do have multiple workstations set up, please check your files are being placed in the correct workstation 'Watch' folder. Files placed directly in the watch folder will print using the default workstation printer, or if no default workstation is selected, labels will not print at all.
4. I am encountering issues while using a network drive
Issues on network drives can occur due to 'file update events' not triggering. If you attempt to connect to a network drive using ChannelShipper Desktop, please ensure you enable the advanced polling option in the settings section. The following common issues that can occur on network setups:
- Permission issues - check your user has correct access to the drive.
- Files stuck in the watch folder
- Extended import times
We recommend contacting your network administrator if you are affected by any of the above issues.
5. Can I create a second ChannelShipper Desktop integration?
You can only have one ChannelShipper integration active. If you have multiple trading names, you will need to map a 'Trading names' column to allow you to specify different return addresses per order.
If you have multiple sites and this is not possible, please consider setting up more than one ChannelShipper account, each with its own instance of Click & Drop Desktop operating on different machines.
6. My results file is empty
Results files are generated at the Postage applied state and can be found in the results folder within your Desktop watch folder. For a tracking number to be generated at this point you must include the following additional information on your import: Product weight, Package size, and Service code.
7. I'm generating duplicate labels
If you are experiencing this issue, please check:
1. If you are running ChannelShipper desktop on a network drive in conjunction with multiple workstations, try running only one version of the ChannelShipper Desktop app instead of one per workstation.
2. Check that you do not have multiple instances of the ChannelShipper Desktop app looking at the same Watch folder.
2. Check you have not installed Royal Mail Print Assist as a windows service.
3. If you use any order management software or any automated method of dropping files into the watch directory, please check that the file is not being dropped in twice. You can check that the file types are different by looking in your Order Import History page.
8. My labels are coming out of the wrong printer
If your label is sent to a printer that you did not expect, please check the following:
1. Check you have chosen the correct printers in your Royal Mail Print Assist or ChannelShipper Desktop workstation settings.
2. If you have multiple printers with the same name, you may need to rename them to make this process easier.
3. If you have a default workstation selected, and you drop your spreadsheet into the watch directory and not an individual subfolder, then the label will print from the printer specified in the default workstation.
9. My application is displaying a “No internet connection” error.
If you are experiencing this issue, it is likely that you have a firewall or other internet security software that is denying access to the app. You may need to add the app to your 'allowed list', or whitelist our URLs and/or IP addresses. Please see step 14 below.
10. Can ChannelShipper Desktop produce CN22/CN23 documents?
If you have checked the 'Generate customs declaration with Orders' option in your Label format settings page, then CN22 or CN23 documents will automatically be produced for any international orders imported where customs declarations are required.
The .PDF files will be saved to your results folder.
11. ChannelShipper Desktop is not communicating with workstations across my network.
ChannelShipper Desktop is fully compatible with servers and networks running Microsoft Windows 7 or above. Please ensure that you only run one version of ChannelShipper Desktop. If all of your machines connect to the same server, you do not need to install ChannelShipper Desktop on each separate machine.
Please ensure that the single machine on which ChannelShipper Desktop is installed is kept online during operation. If you use Royal Mail Print Assist, you will need to ensure this is installed on every workstation you would like to print from.
If your issue still persists after checking the above, please contact our support team.
12. My workstation folders contain other workstation folders
If you find your folder structure seems incorrect, please check that each instance of ChannelShipper Desktop is looking at the Watch folder - and not an individual subfolder.
In these circumstances, we recommend deleting the workstation folders and setting up your workstations again.
Please do not create your own subfolders - ChannelShipper Desktop will create them automatically once your workstations are correctly configured.
13. The app is displaying an 'Unable to connect to server' error
If you see this error, it means that your app is unable to connect to Click & Drop via the internet. Please check that any firewalls, anti-malware, or anti-virus software are not preventing the app from connecting to the internet. Additionally, if you connect to the internet via a network, please ensure your network settings are not blocking outgoing traffic. You may need to whitelist our URLs and/or IP addresses in order to do this. Please see step 14 below.
14. I need to whitelist your IP addresses and URLs for my security settings
Depending on your firewalls and/or security settings, you may need to whitelist IP addresses or URLs used by Click & Drop and its associated technologies in order for us to import and process your orders.
For a full list of URLs and IP addresses, please see the following guide: IP addresses and URLs for security settings