If you are encountering any issues paying for your ChannelShipper subscription, the following guide may help.
My payment has failed
If your payment has failed, this may be due to any of the following:
- Please check that your payment information has been entered correctly
- Many banks use 3D secure authentication for verifying payments. If a payment fails, and all of your billing details are correct, your bank may ask you to verify the 3-digit code on the back of the card you are using for payment, or you may need to authenticate the payment in a banking app. If you were not able to authenticate successfully, we generally recommend entering your billing information again in the 'My account' > 'My subscription' page in ChannelShipper. This should allow you another chance to authenticate the payment with your bank.
- If a payment has failed, you should receive an email from Recurly, our payment provider. There are links within the email that allow you to re-enter billing information, and try a payment again.
My subscription tier is incorrect
We calculate your subscription tier in two ways, and compare them to choose the most appropriate tier to reflect your monthly volume of orders processed through ChannelShipper.
- We take the average monthly order volume over the last 12 months
- We take the average monthly order volume over the last 3 months
We take an average because we would never wish to overcharge you if you have a very successful month or quarter. Our customers' success is something to celebrate. if you feel as though your current subscription tier is incorrect, please contact our support team who will be able to look at these calculations and work out if your current tier is appropriate.