Adding customs information when importing your orders via spreadsheet

From January 2021, if you are posting international orders, all countries must have customs data supplied.

If you have provided the required data, ChannelShipper will send this information automatically whenever you manifest your orders. Failure to include this information may result in delays or rejections during customs clearance in the destination country. 

What countries require electronic customs?

From January 2021, if you are posting international orders, all countries must have customs data supplied. You can enable customs documentation in ChannelShipper from your label format settings page. 

What information is required? 

For countries which require international customs data to be passed electronically, the required fields are:

  • Customs description
  • Customs code (HS code, harmonised system or tariff code)
  • Country of origin
  • Quantity
  • Unit price

How to include customs information in your spreadsheet

This guide will cover orders imported manually, via Dropbox, or via Click & Drop desktop.

For the basics on how to import an order via spreadsheet, please see the following guide: How to import/upload orders

If you wish to add electronic customs information via an order import, please ensure you map the following fields

Product SKU and/or Product name (The unique identifier or name of the item you are sending, ie 'Blue T shirt') 

This data is required by ChannelShipper so we can store electronic customs information against your individual products/items. 

Quantity (The quantity of that item you are sending, ie '4')

Product customs code (The 6,8, or 10 digit customs (HS, harmonised system, or tariff code) code of the item you are sending, ie '22003948'
For more information, please see the following page:

Customs description (A description of the item you are sending. This description is used by customs officials to assess your items, so please ensure your description is concise and relevant, ie 'Blue cotton T-shirt')

Unit weight (The weight per single unit in kilograms, ie, 0.05)


An example spreadsheet containing the minimum required data for two different orders to two different customers. 

For a sample spreadsheet containing the minimum required fields for an order with electronic customs, please click to download: Sample xlsx spreadsheet.

In addition to this information, there is a large variety of additional optional fields you can add to your spreadsheet, such as package size, service, and further shipping enhancements. For more information on the available fields and the data they can contain, please see the following guide: Order import field specifications

What if my customer's order contains more than one different product?

If your order contains more than one type of product, you will need to include multiple rows in your spreadsheet per order.

Each line will contain the same name and address data, but the fields for product data will be different.

In order for ChannelShipper to recognise that different lines in your spreadsheet belong to the same order, you will need to ensure that each line contains the same order reference number

In our example below, two lines in the spreadsheet contain the same name and address data, but the product data is different. As we have mapped the Order reference number field, and both lines have the same Order reference value, ChannelShipper will add both lines of product data to the same order.



Our created order now contains product details for all three of the T shirts that John Smith has ordered.